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DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Project 2: Appropriation / Introduction to color theory


Identify and understand the use of appropriated images as a means to change meaning in a work of art. In addition, basic color theory applications will be used to enhance the change of meaning within the work of art. 



Develop a new digital composition:

Using Ps to recreate a digital composition from a historical painting, students will remove and add at least 5 elements form the work of art. Through appropriation these new elements should change the intended meaning/theme/content of the painting. Lastly, using Ps students will convert the painting to gray scale to use as a reference for the monochromatic painting. After reaching the desired composition, students will print out the gray scale version which will then be transferred onto 8 x 10” illustration board.


Monochromatic Painting:

The transferred work will then be painted in gray scale (whites, blacks, grays in a warm or cool color) along with one color choice. Following the same composition established from step 1, students will use the minimum value or chromatic shifts to create a monochromatic painting.


Things to consider

Choose a work of art that will be manageable to appropriate and has clear imagery to work with. The student should make sure to complete the appropriate research to be able to explain the meaning/theme/content of the work and how they changed the meaning through their appropriated work.


Critique guidelines:

Grade will be given based off of a 2-part process. 

Part 1:  Students will present and describe their process (sketches, chosen work, the shift in meaning/theme/content, and the choice in monochromatic color scheme)

Part 2: Students must comment on peer’s work using the appropriate vocabulary based off of the concepts discussed in class including how meaning can be changed with the use of imagery and color application.


Grading Rubric:

Digital Composition 25pts

Monochromatic Painting  30pts
Craftsmanship 20pts
Critique 20pts


Building Knowledge

This project addresses the use of images/objects as well as color and how they can be used to contextualize content. Along with Gestalt principles these concepts need to be managed as the student moves from project to project.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.